
are fans bad for plants? black fan blowing on houseplant

Are Fans Bad For Plants? (& Ceiling Fans, Small Fans)

If you’re keeping plants in your home and you need to flick the fans on, you might start to get concerned about whether this could be harmful to the plants you are growing. Rapidly moving air, powered by electricity, is something that houseplants have not evolved to deal with, so it is critical you understand […]

Do houseplants attract fruit flies? 2 yellow fruit flies sitting on a houseplant

Do Houseplants Attract Fruit Flies? (11 Helpful Answers!)

If you have houseplants and you are dealing with fruit fly infestations, you might be wondering whether the plants could possibly be responsible. Fruit flies are extremely frustrating pests to have in the house and they can multiply quickly, so working out what is attracting them is key. So, Here’s if Houseplants Really Attract Fruit […]

Do houseplants attract mosquitoes? mosquito resting on houseplant leaf

Do Houseplants Attract Mosquitoes? (Solved With Solutions!)

If you have plants in your home and you are also being bothered by mosquitoes, you might be wondering whether your plants could be a breeding ground for them. It’s extremely unpleasant to get bitten by mosquitoes on a regular basis, so understading if your houseplants is actually attracting them is crucial. We’re going to […]

Do houseplants attract mice? mouse sitting on houseplant

Do Houseplants Attract Mice? (Explained With Solutions!)

Houseplants are much loved in today’s world, but if you are here you probably found holes in your houseplant’s soil or something has eaten its leaves. Mice can have disastrous consequences on your home, but could it be that houseplants attract them, to begin with? Here’s If Houseplants Attract Mice: Houseplants don’t attract mice and […]

Are african violets indoor plants? purple African violet

Are African Violets Indoor Plants? (Explained!)

African violets are one of the most popular flowering plants in the world today, but are they indoor plants? Here’s a crazy fact for you: there are many more African violets grown in homes than left in their native habitat. In this article, we’ll answer if African violets are even considered indoor plants and tell […]

Are caladiums indoor plants? caladium red leaves

Are Caladiums Indoor Plants? (Explained For Beginners!)

Caladiums have been growing in popularity in the last couple of years and you are probably keen to grow them too. Firstly, it will save you a lot of frustration just by knowing if they are indoor or outdoor plants and if there is any chance you can grow them in your house. Are Caladiums […]

Are Begonias indoor plants? pink wax begonia flowers

Are Begonias Indoor Plants? (Explained For Beginners!)

Begonias have been grown for decades now and they never seem to go out of style. However, people forget to take into account if Begonias can be successfully grown indoors and what’s the effort behind it. In this article, I will tell you if Begonias are actually indoor plants and how you can make caring […]

Do houseplants attract spiders? small spider on houseplant leaf

Do Houseplants Attract Spiders? (Prevention & Treatment!)

Have you ever wondered if your houseplants are responsible for spiders coming into your home? In this article, I will tell you exactly if your houseplants are attracting spiders, how to remove them and how to avoid this problem in the future. Here’s If Houseplants Attract Spiders: It is possible for indoor plants to attract […]

Do houseplants need fresh air? houseplant getting fresh air on a opened window

Do Houseplants Need Fresh Air? (Solved & Explained!)

People worry about sunlight and water with their houseplants, but they forget to take fresh air into account. After all, outdoor plants are supplied with a constant flow of fresh air, and indoor plants have very limited access to this. Here’s If Houseplants Really Need Fresh Air: Indoor plants do need to be given fresh […]

red fish swiming among houseplants in fish tank

Houseplants & Fish Tanks: 14 Helpful Tips (For Beginners)

Have you ever considered putting houseplants inside your fish tank? If so, it is incredibly important you do research into which plants will thrive but also be good for the fish, before you seriously damage your fish or your plants. There are particular requirements you need to take into consideration. Here are 14 answers about […]

Are anthuriums indoor plants? red indoor anthurium plant

Are Anthuriums Indoor Plants? (Explained!)

Anthurium plants are very beautiful, and if you are here, you are probably keen to grow them. However, firstly you have to make sure they can be grown indoors successfully. In this article, I will tell you if Anthuriums make good indoor plants and give you all the tips in order to grow them successfully. […]

Are worms in houseplants bad? grub worm living in a plant pot

Are Worms In Houseplants Bad? (Prevention & Treatment!)

If you keep houseplants and you’ve found worms in the soil, you might be concerned, and rightfully so! In this article, I will tell you exactly how bad worms in the soil can be and also how to avoid unnecessary damage to your plants. But First, Here’s If Worms In Houseplants Are Actually Bad: Worms […]