Ozone generators are devices designed to produce ozone. They are generally used to remove unpleasant and very persistent odours from homes or cars, with people even using them to get rid of plant pests. However, it is critical you understand the effect an ozone generator (or ozone) can have before you use it anywhere close […]
10 Cheapest RARE Houseplants (With Prices & Pictures!)
Nowadays, everyone has houseplants and most people stick to the same species. But what if you are looking for something else? If you to fill your home with some rarer plants, you are unfortunately going to be looking at quite a high cost. One option you might not be aware of is going for medium […]
10 Best Full Sun Indoor Hanging Plants (& Easy Care Guide)
Are you looking for plants that will love hanging up in the full sun? It can be tricky to find plants that will thrive in the full sun because so many of them are vulnerable to burning, and you don’t want to end up with plants that have burnt, crispy leaves. Either you want to […]
Should You Buy Houseplants In Winter? Here’s the verdict!
Have you been looking at houseplants lately and wondering whether winter is a good time of year for buying? When buying something as tender as a houseplant, it’s important you take seasons into account. In this article, I will help you decide if you should buy houseplants in winter or avoid it and wait for […]
Will Houseplants Grow in Winter? (& 8 Helpful Answers!)
If the cold days are drawing in, you might be looking at your houseplants and wondering whether they will continue growing during the cooler months, or whether they are going to stop entirely. Understanding if your houseplants will grow or not in winter as well as how to deal with it can save you a […]
Do Cicadas Eat Houseplants? (Solved and Explained!)
Cicadas have a bad reputation because of their appearence and loud songs. Sometimes, these giant insects can even get into the house or garden and understanding the impact they can have on your houseplants is very important. In this article, I will tell you exactly if cicadas will eat or harm your houseplants in any […]
Will Peppermint Oil Hurt Houseplants? & 7 Helpful Answers
Peppermint oil has seemingly limitless uses around the home, but before you go and use it on your houseplants, you need to make sure it’s completely safe. In this article, I will tell you if peppermint oil can hurt your houseplants, and also how to use it. Here’s if Peppermint Oil Can Hurt Houseplants: Peppermint […]
15 Houseplants That Need Distilled Water (A Complete List!)
If you are trying to offer your houseplants the maximum care and attention, you need to know which plants hate tap water. Many plants are fine with tap water, but it can do some serious damage to some specimens that are more delicate, especially if you live in an area where the water is full […]
10 Houseplants That Love Vermiculite (With Pictures!)
Vermiculite is a mineral with some truly unique properties. It retains water and nutrients, slowly releasing them over time, and also has the added benefit of aerating the soil of your plants. However, not all houseplants benefit from it. In this article, we will go over the top 10 houseplants that love vermiculite and exactly […]
Will Bleach Kill Houseplants? (With Helpful Answers!)
Bleach has many household uses with people even using it for their houseplants, but that can be dangerous. If you have accidentally spilt bleach on your houseplants or you are thinking of it as a fungicide or insecticide, I will tell you everything you need to know to avoid unnecessary damage. Firstly, Here’s if Household Bleach […]
10 Houseplants That Thrips Like (& 8 They Hate!)
Thrips are common houseplants pests and having dealt with them many times in the past, I can tell you they can be deadly. However, what most people don’t take into account is that there are houseplants that are highly susceptible to thrips, and those could endanger your other plants. In this article, I will show […]
11 Houseplants That Don’t Need Fertilizer (With Pictures!)
You might have heard that all plants do better if you feed them, no matter the species, but that’s not necessarily true. In fact, there are houseplants that will immediately die if you try to fertilize them. In this article, I will show you the best houseplants to grow if you never want to fertilize, as […]