Anyone who has indoor plants has, at times, wondered how to increase or bring back the shine of their leaves. If you’re struggling with plants that look dusty and dull, you might be wondering how can I make my indoor plant leaves shine? A plant’s leaves are usually naturally shiny, and if they’re looking dull, […]
What To Do After Buying An Indoor Plant? 9 Step Easy Checklist
Let me be the first to congratulate you on your new bundle of joy! It’s clear that you already love and adore your new plant and want to give them the best start possible, that’s why you are here. The next few days will be critical, and, if you are not careful, your new plant […]
Is Urine Good For Houseplants? Explained For Humans & Pets!
If you’re looking at ways to fertilize your houseplants, you might be wondering whether urine is a good idea, and what kind of urine you should use if you’re going to use it. There can be some dire consequences to it, so make sure you do your homework before using urine on random plants around […]
Why Do Plants Need Soil? 5 Amazing Plants That Don’t Need Soil
Plants grow in soil. This is a fact that we learn early in life. There are many things that plants get from soil, including nutrients, water, and stability. Today, let’s explore the question: Why do plants need soil?
Do Plants Die Of Old Age? Important Signs To Look For!
While some plants are sturdier and last much longer than other plants, you may have wondered at some point if plants, like humans, can die of old age?
Can Houseplants Cause Black Mold? Solved With Helpful Tips!
If you’ve got problems with black mold in your house, you might be looking for the culprit – and your eyes may land on your houseplants if so. Can houseplants cause black mold? Explained!
Can You Mist Your Plants Everyday? 9 Important Facts to Know
Many people are divided about the effectiveness of misting, but a lot of people believe it helps, and enjoy spending some extra time with their plants. So, can you mist your plants everyday?
Do Houseplants Attract Roaches? 3 Roach Repellent Plants
I have caught roaches on my plants when I used to have them in the house, and I heard a few more people having the same problem, so what’s going on?
Do houseplants attract roaches?
10 Best Indoor Plants for Shallow Pots (& How to Care for Them)
Did you know that wide, shallow pots are becoming increasingly popular these days?
Whether you already have some shallow plant containers at home or you’re looking to buy a few, here you’ll find the best indoor plants for shallow pots.
Can Indoor Plants Cause Mold? (& How To Solve It In 5 Steps)
Moist surfaces cause mold growth and some houseplants require a humid environment to grow, which begs the question, can indoor plants cause mold?